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Best regards, Bill I too purchased PKard and it worked just fine with Safari 5 0.. Mac freeware software I work for the DOD, my command has many users that are converting to Mac's and more to follow.. Question is Why hasn't Apple made this work straight out of the box? They are selling the exact SCM CAC card readers that we are providing our users in their store, but without the CAC-NG Tokend software they don't work.

Nov 14, 2018 - PKard and Centrify are two program listed below that have the Compatible with: CACKey, PKard, Centrify Express for Mac Smart Card, Mac.. I have recently placed tickets with MacOSForge to determine if this support will be added to the CAC-NG Tokend, but still waiting for a reply.. We have bundled all of these supported Tokend's (drivers) in a new product that can be simply installed and also does auto-configuration of the most common URLs and certs within Safari.

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xxxx but I upgraded to 5 1 and when I try to access a PKI enabled site Safari crashes to the desktop.. Hi Wayde - To the best of my knowledge, we (Thursby Software) are the only company that provides support for the newer Oberthur cards (as well as all DoD and PIV cards). Mac 3216 Manual

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This was an expensive overkill for individuals simply trying to connect to things such as AKO or the Air Force Portal.. If you are interested, anyone within the DoD is invited to be part of the 'PKard' beta for this program.. I've been setting them up for people over the last 3 years and business is starting to steamroll.. Recently, the command has been getting Oberthur manufactured CAC cards which are not supported by the CAC-NG Tokend. Free Internet Explorer Download For Mac

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Simply drop an email to beta@thursby com with info such as your branch and what you are trying to accomplish.. That response pointed to an issue btw PKard and Safari 5 1 and suggested either a regression to 5.. 0 95) for Mac OS X 10 6 to enable CAC cards issued by our command (Gemalto version only) to allow us to access e-mail and Government websites.. Unfortunately, Apple's support of CAC cards is some what deficient We have been using MacOSForge CAC-NG Tokend (Beta v.. I contacted Thursby about this, had to use eamil, and did receive a reply but it was less than encouraging.. In the past this was only available as part of our larger product 'ADmitMac PKI' that provides secure connections within the DoD network. b0d43de27c Download Nfs Most Wanted For Mac


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